2024-2025 學年度
Folk Dance Policy

  1. 上課時間 11:30AM-1:00PM Classes are held from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.
  2. 超過10位學生才開班 Minimum 10 students are required to open the class. School has the right to cancel the class due to low enrollment.
  3. 學生年齡最小六歲 Minimum age is 6 years old.
  4. 一學年25堂課 25 classes are the obligation and maximum.
  5. 學費 Payment schedules:
  6. 學費不包括服裝費 Costumes are not included.
  7. 退費 Refund policy:
    1. 可以換其他文化課,沒有退費 May switch to other culture classes but NO refund
    2. 缺課或中途退出課程不退費 NO refund for missing class.

By submitting the JSCS Folk Dance Policy:

  1. Parent assumes all the risks involved and shall hold harmless the school, its staff and teachers, from any and all liabilities, responsibilities and claims.
  2. Parent GRANTS permission for a photo/image that includes this student to be shared with media outlets, including internet websites, newspapers and television stations.
I have read and agreed the above dancing policy.
Student name ______________________________________
Parent signature ______________________________________ Date _______________